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Weird Tales 6
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Weird Tales 6

Price per Unit (piece): $20.00

Product Details

Episode 6: Weird Tales 6
The Desert's Lost River of Gold
DVD: Approx 60 Min

Deep beneath a mountain named Kokoweek in the Mojave Desert awaits the discovery of a lifetime...or does it?

With a mixture of deception, possible murder and other-worldly visitors, the story of Kokoweek Mountain and the Lost River of Gold becomes the stuff of legend. Filmmaker Ted Faye guides the viewer through the world of treasure hunting in this quest for the Kokoweek story.

It all began in 1927 when prospector Earl Dorr followed a map which led him to a small cave entrance. His journey into the cavern led him deep into an underground canyon where a mighty river flowed.

Along its banks was black sand laden with gold. At least 8 miles worth! He signed an affidavit affirming it existed. Then he blasted the entry way shut.

Ever since that time prospectors, miners, promoters, businessmen and anyone from every walk of life has tried to find the passage. Made famous in Treasure Hunting articles over the years it has drawn the attention of renowned Treasure Hunters W.C. Jameson and Roy Roush who both weight in on the Kokoweef mystery. Long-time researcher Ralph Lewis and Desert Explorer Tim France guide Ted underground in quest of "The Desert's Lost River of Gold"!

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